
Friday, February 8, 2019

Homer :: essays research papers

In Homers epic, The Odyssey, women play an constitutional role in the life of Odysseus, the storys protagonist. Odysseus is forced to bestow the comforts of Ithaca because of a woman, Helen, and he longs to return to his home largely for a woman, his wife Penelope. Throughout his journey, however, it is Circe who has a heavy influence on Odysseus because she is a major appropriateion and thus an obstacle for the renowned hero. Indeed, Circes equity coupled with her sorcery, and her kindness along with lavish hospitality all distract Odysseus and impede him from swiftly returning home. With her oppositeworldly beauty and enchantments, Circe is a animal magnetism for Odysseus and therefore an obstacle on his road to Ithaca. With her sensuality and magic potions, Circe is subject to get that which she desires from men. After Odysseus, guided and forewarned by Hermes, drinks Circes potion and is not bewitched, Circe is dazed for no other man has ever resisted her magic (X, 348-3 50). Although Circe is probably utilise to fulfilling her sexual desires with men she has enchanted, she nevertheless tries to go to bottom with Odysseus. She tells him, Climb into my bed and tangle in love there, so we may come to believe each other (X, 356-357). Odysseus tries to resist the charming goddess and tells her that she must promise no more trouble for him, but as soon as she does that which he asks he climbs into Circes beautiful bed (X, 366-369). After ten geezerhood of fighting, Odyssey has grown quite lonely. He has been away from Penelope, his wife and the only other woman who most likely fulfilled his needs and desires, and Circe is putting away very tempting offers. Although her potion did not have an effect on him, Circes physical beauty definitely appealed to Odysseus otherwise, he would have cunningly tack something to do other than engaging in an intimate act with Circe. The goddess-nymph has many a(prenominal) a trick up her sleeve, and she could have also found some other way to get Odysseus to go to bed with her. She had no need to do such a thing because Odysseus was in a vulnerable state. Months at sea and at war can be quite severe on anyone, so Odysseus was susceptible to falling for someone--especially someone as alluring as Circe. With physical beauty and magical powers, Circe distracts Odysseus and hampers his return to Ithaca.

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